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I Like You Pendant and Necklace Valentine’s Day Special Box – by Yeople

1 Gennaio 2013

Yeople, meaning Young People, is a young and fast-growing Italian cool gadget start-up that ideated “I Like You Pendant and Necklace” a new cool Valentine’s Day gifts for social network addicts.

After the great success of the ”I Like Your Kitchen Glove” made by Enrique Luis Sardi (Cookie Cup etc.) that is booming worldwide, the “I Like You Pendant and Necklace” according to Alessandro Volo, Yeople’s Business Development Manager wants to follow the same success path.

Karina Reis, Yeople’s Brand Development Expert, says that the team developed the I Like pendant in order to allow everybody to express in a social and modern way how much she/he likes her/his special someone.

The I Like You Pendant and Necklace Valentine’s Day Special Box includes also a bracelet and it represents a modern and cool answer to the classic and old style pendants and necklaces that are currently sold. Given the social attitude of team members (average age is 27) all the products are developed following intuitions, trends and carefully listening to customer’s suggestions. In this case a survey showed that the target customer is bored of ordinary gifts and wants something special, unique and at the same time easy recognizable and self-expressing a status.

I Like You Pendant and Necklace satisfies these needs with its polished pendant that goes beyond hearts, stars and other common pendants. It sets a social way to show and express the feelings for a special someone. I Like You Pendant and Necklace follows Yeople’s philosophy that gifts and accessories that someone wears talk about this someone more than any other word.


Source: www.onlineprnews.com