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How to get noticed at work

21 Gennaio 2013

Stand out in the office with these tips from the advertising guru George Lois

Put in the hours On your first day of a new job, walk in and make a hell of a first impression. The basics for any job are passion and a good work ethic, which you need to demonstrate to your employer straight away. Be prepared to stay late and put in all your effort. On the first day of my first advertising job, I walked in with a sleeping-bag. I put it down and my boss said, ‘What’s the sleeping-bag for?’ and I said, ‘Well, that’s for the days when I have to work through the night so I can take a little bit of a nap.’ Her eyes lit up – she knew she had a firecracker

Be good at what you do The simplest way to get noticed at work is actually just to do a great job. There’s no point raving about yourself and wondering why you’re not getting noticed if the work you’re doing isn’t up to scratch. It is one of the best ways to make sure that people treat you correctly and with respect

Speak up If you’ve got a really good idea or you’re burning to get something out or to criticise what’s going on, stand up and speak out. Live and work as truthfully, creatively and outspokenly as you can. Don’t be bashful. But if you are afraid to speak out, consider whether it’s because what you’ve got to say is just not worth sharing; don’t just be a big mouth for the sake of it

Go the extra mile Even if you don’t think you’re quite up to a job, you should have the confidence and work hard at it until you get it right. Taking risks will elevate you to bigger and better jobs, so you should go above and beyond with each project. It will pay off and prove that you should be doing more than merely what your current role dictates

Be creative You have to believe in yourself and in your talent. If you’ve got a good idea for work, research it and tell your boss. It’s a brilliant way to get noticed. The worst that can happen is that they don’t like it, but at least they know you’re thinking outside the box. Most people are afraid of innovation and settle for mediocrity, but you should avoid that

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk