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999 Bottles launch buzz: Fastco, Mashable, Treehugger, HuffPo and others

3 Agosto 2012

We closed the first week on Kickstarter with a splash! Almost 400 people have pledged to help us make the first run of 999Bottles a reality, bringing us close to 20% of our goal! We will be sharing some news in the next few weeks, but first we wanted to thank the great support from the press!

“The 999Bottle is the work of Fernd van Engelen at Artefact. It’s a smart, simple way to make the impact of a reusable water bottle more tangible; putting a number on it makes it more of an accomplishment[…] It’s a conversation starter, too, not to mention that the bottle itself looks great, made of stainless steel with a rubberized base.” Alex Dravis, Treehugger

“…these sobering facts have sparked the reusable bottle movement over the past few years, Ferd van Engelen and his colleagues at the Seattle based Artefact Group have taken it a step further, creating the 999Bottles water bottle, a 24 ounce reusable water bottle that allows its users to see exactly how abandoning disposable plastic bottles can help sustainability” Drew Guarini, Huffpo

“Late last year, Artefact shared with us a unique concept for a reusable water bottle. It was nice to look at, to be sure, but the truly innovative twist was it reinforced the virtuous choice to forgo the plastic variety: a built-in dial would allow users to keep track of how many plastic water bottles they were saving from a landfill, and an app would help them visualize their environmental impact. Back then, our question to Artefact’s Fernd van Engelen was: “How much money would you need to bring this concept to reality?” He replied in the form of a Kickstarter campaign” Belinda Lanks, Fastco


Source: http://www.artefactgroup.com/#/content/999bottles-launch-buzz-fastco-mashable-treehugger-huffpo-and-others